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ACQUISITIONSGreat companies quickly become formerly-great when they make a wrong acquisition. We work closely with our clients’ various officers and tax and planning advisors to holistically consider an acquisition from a variety of angles; all the while, the goal is to look back in a decade and regard the buy as a slam dunk.
EMPLOYMENT AND INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSA comprehensive employment and/or independent contractor agreement, as the case may be, generally should be used for key employment and contractor relationships.
ENTITY FORMATION AND MAINTENANCEWe work closely with our clients and their tax advisors to select, form and maintain an appropriate legal entity for their contemplated endeavors. Additionally, we help our clients identify, monitor and address governance and compliance issues.
FACILITATING LIVE EVENT PRODUCTIONSProduction of a live event, whether a concert or tour, athletic competition, book signing, or other happening, carries with it a unique set of issues that should be considered carefully. We work tirelessly with our clients in an effort to make their live events as smooth and problem-free as possible.
JOINT VENTURESWithout proper planning, structure and memorialization, a joint venture is more likely to end in disaster. We work closely with our clients to maximize the chances that their joint ventures will progress as orderly and successfully as possible. To accomplish this end, we often use single purpose entities and other more-complex, often-uncommon approaches. More so than anything, we work hard to devise workable, outside-the-box solutions to our clients’ otherwise-complicated goals.
MARKETING AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTMarketing need not be advertising. In fact, the best promotional efforts usually aren’t paid-for, inside-the-box sales pitches. We help our clients adopt an outside-the-box approach to marketing and branding.
OPERATING / PARTNER / SHAREHOLDER AGREEMENTSAs with almost everything in life, ultimate success often comes down to the strength of the foundation originally put into place. For a business endeavor, a signed, written agreement between the owners is absolutely crucial ― whether by way of an operating agreement for an LLC, a partnership agreement for a LP or GP, or a shareholder agreement for the stakeholder in a corporation. We help our clients accurately and succinctly memorialize their understandings as co-owners.
PRODUCT LICENSINGProduct licensing and other residual-based revenue streams are important ways to grow one’s business with minimal expense. We guide our clients through the licensing process in a way that protects their rights and interests while boosting their bottom lines.
PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENTSThe purchase and sale of a business or substantial asset can be a watershed moment. It is important that the terms of that purchase or sale be accurately and completely memorialized in writing. Additionally, it is crucial that one’s legal advisor look past the obvious in an attempt to identify potential problems on the horizon. With pro-active drafting and our wealth of experience, we work to address those issues before they arise, and thereby generally help save the client mountains of stress and costs.
RELEASES AND WAIVERSThe complexity of a release and waiver of claims is unfortunately often overlooked. We work with our clients to memorialize the underlying terms to make certain the release and waiver accurately embodies their understanding.
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